art, design, comics, animation and whatever else i can think of

Friday, June 06, 2008

IlloFri: Baby

Click image to enlarge.
Awwww. Is the big, mean gas pump making it hard fill up your Suburban? Got an owie in your wallet? Poor guy!

Suck it up, ya big baby. Take the bus. Get a hybrid. Telecommute. There are people in the world who are really suffering. Food prices are shooting through the roof for people who have been trying to feed their families on pennies a day. Your neighbors' kids are getting mutilated and killed in Iraq. We could be on the brink of an ecological meltdown and you're whining because it's going to cost a bit more to haul the Winnebago to your favorite fishing hole? Gimme a break.

Ok, ok. I know. Gas prices are tough on the already stretched middle class. I know it's hard on my family. Everyone I know is feeling the pinch. But really, let's get it in perspective.

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